Beauty Secrets For Glowing Skin

9 min readFeb 8, 2021


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Flawlessly beautiful skin does not have to be created by applying concealer and foundation layer after layer for hours! Naturally, glowing skin is within your grasp — all you have to do is make a commitment to giving your skin the best skin whitening cream it deserves.

What basic skin care tips do I need for glowing skin?

Following a CTM or a cleansing, toning and moisturizing routine are the first steps to healthy, glowing skin. Make it a part of your life and you are sure to see a positive change in the way your skin looks and feels!

- Clean

Are you thinking of reaching for those facial tissues? Stop! While wiping your face seems like the easy way out, most facial wipes are loaded with chemicals that could do more harm than good to your skin. Scrubbing and pulling your skin, especially the delicate skin around your eyes, is a big no too.

Reject soaps, as they strip the skin of its natural oils and dry out, causing the skin to break out. Soaps also disrupt the pH of the skin. Invest in a good face wash that is gentle and suits your skin type. Use lukewarm water to lather and rinse your face as this can help open up your skin pores. Note that hot water can make the skin dry.

Gently rub the cleanser on your face — you may want to lather it up a second time to remove dirt or makeup build-up. Be careful not to over-cleanse your skin as this can cause it to dry out and break out. Cleanse your face once in the morning and in the evening. If you have oily skin, simply rinse your face with water and pat dry to control the oil between washes.

Make sure to wash your hands with soap before starting your cleansing ritual — you don’t want to transfer germs and dirt onto your face. Never rub your skin dry after rinsing. blot it with a clean, soft towel or let it air dry.

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- Volume

Toners are used to remove traces of dirt or makeup left by your detergent. They also restore the pH of your skin, control acne, and shrink pores. Alcohol-based astringents and toners can severely damage your skin by causing excessive dryness. When choosing a toner, choose one that is alcohol-free and contains ingredients that suit your skin type.

If you have acne-prone skin, an alpha hydroxy acid (AHA) toner is your best bet. Toners with ingredients such as hyaluronic acid, coenzyme Q10, glycerin and vitamin C are good for normal to combination skin. Look out for toners that are advertised as “natural” as some ingredients can be irritating to your skin.

Remember, using a facial wash and toner at the same time can be too much for sensitive skin. Toners are not a substitute for cleaning agents. So, if you find that your skin is breaking out, try using milder products or skipping the toner altogether.

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- Humidity

Moisturizer is important for all skin types, including oily ones. Yes, you read that right. The key is choosing a product that is right for your skin. Moisturizers work best on clean, damp skin — this not only helps your skin absorb the moisturizer well, but it also helps hold moisture in for longer.

Massage the moisturizer gently onto your face. During the day, use one that also provides sun protection. Use a nourishing moisturizer at night that soothes and repairs your skin. While oils provide intense hydration, they alone are not enough to keep the skin hydrated; that’s because oils are emollients that work on the surface of the skin, while moisturizers contain humectants that pull water molecules into and with the skin Provide moisture.

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Always apply your products in the correct order. When using acne medication or treatment serums, start with a cleanser, followed by medication or serum, and end with a moisturizer. In addition to religiously exfoliating your skin, exfoliate once a week or according to the sensitivity level of your skin — not just on your face but from head to toe. Regular exfoliation removes the outer layer of dead skin cells, leaving your skin looking dull and lifeless.

When exfoliating your face, avoid the sensitive area around your eyes. The skin repairs itself at night, so it’s the best time to exfoliate Tomorrow is when you can remove all of the dead skin cell buildups.

What else can I do to get naturally glowing skin?

Genetics, lifestyle habits, pollution and more put a strain on your skin, making it look lifeless. If you have glowing, youthful skin, you shouldn’t just follow one skin care regimen. Keep these tips in mind too.

- Eating Healthy

What you eat shows on your skin, so eating a skin-friendly diet full of fruits, vegetables, and healthy fats is a must. Healthy snack — think about fruits, yoghurt, and nuts, flavour foods with spices and herbs, and avoid foods you may be allergic to.

Here are some foods that can give your skin a natural glow:

- Dark leafy vegetables like spinach, mustard greens, radish leaves, etc. contain important vitamins and minerals as well as antioxidants that help fight skin ageing.

  • Avocado, a superfood with healthy fats and vitamin E, prevents premature ageing and acne
  • Carrots are rich in beta-carotene, which flushes out toxins and protects the skin from sun damage
  • Green tea is an excellent source of antioxidants that helps keep inflammation and dark spots away.
  • Tomatoes contain lycopene, which provides sun protection and free radicals fend off.
  • Oats are nutrient-dense and high in fibre, which means they won’t spike blood sugar levels that contribute to inflammation, acne, and other skin conditions.
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- Drink enough

Your skin is a living organ made up of cells that need enough water to function. If you don’t stay adequately hydrated, the skin can become dry and flaky. And dry skin is prone to wrinkles and age spots! While you’ve likely heard that drinking eight glasses of water a day is recommended, this should only serve as a reminder to drink more water. Your body loses water through urine and sweat, so physical activity, the environment, illness and such factors must be taken into account when considering your daily water intake.

You can find that your skin is dehydrated when you have symptoms such as dull appearance, fine lines, and wrinkles that occur when you gently pinch your cheek, itchy, or overly sensitive skin.

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- Exercise

Regular exercise not only benefits your heart and lungs but also your general health, including your skin! Exercise increases blood flow, which makes it easier for vital nutrients to be transported to cells and helps flush free radicals, waste products, and other toxins out of cells. Exercising also reduces stress, which can prevent sebum glands from producing excess sebum or oil and improve certain skin conditions such as acne and eczema.

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Tip: Making basic lifestyle changes like eating right, daily hydration, and exercise can have a huge impact on your skin and overall health.

What Are Some Home Remedies For Glowing Skin?

Home remedies make for the best beauty products! Here are some beauty tips for youthful, glowing skin.

  • Can’t finish your salad or stop eating fruit? Just mash the goodies like bananas, avocado and tomatoes and apply them all over your face. You can also put chilled cucumber or tomato slices on your eyes for 10–15 minutes to help reduce puffiness and dark circles.
  • Mix two tablespoons of fuller’s earth with enough water to make a paste. Add a dash of rose water and mix well. You may also want to mix in a tablespoon of sandalwood powder. Apply the mask on your face and let it dry. Rinse with water.
  • Honey is a natural humectant that will keep your skin moisturized without making it greasy; honey is also antibacterial and can reduce inflammation. Apply raw honey to your face and wash off after 10–15 minutes to reveal glowing skin.
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  • Take a teaspoon each of fuller’s earth and honey. Mix with a few pieces of mashed ripe papaya. Apply the pack to the face and neck and rinse off with water after 15 to 20 minutes.
  • Milk is one of the best skin moisturizers — not only does it nourish your skin, but it also helps lighten the tan. Dip a cotton ball in cold whole milk and use it to wipe your face and neck. Alternatively, you can splash cold milk on your face and pat dry with a soft towel.
  • Mash a ripe banana and mix in some milk if necessary. Gently massage the pulp onto your skin. Leave on for 10–15 minutes and wash off with water.
  • Mix one teaspoon of turmeric powder and four tablespoons of chickpea flour (grams) with enough water to make a paste, you may want to use equal amounts of water and milk. Apply the paste to face and neck and rinse off after 15–20 minutes.
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  • Mash two tomatoes and strain the pulp to extract the juice. Store in a tightly-closed container in the refrigerator. To use, take some tomato juice and mix it with an equal amount of freshly squeezed lemon juice. Dip a cotton ball in this natural toner and apply it to your skin. Let dry for 15–20 minutes and rinse with water.
  • Mash a ripe tomato and apply the pulp to the face. Rinse with water after 15–20 minutes. To make a face pack, mix grams of flour and honey with the tomato paste to make a paste. Apply to the face and rinse off after 10–15 minutes. You can do a facial scrub by mixing tomato paste with sugar.
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  • Soak about five almonds overnight. Grind to a paste and mix in a tablespoon of milk. Apply to the skin in gentle, circular movements and leave on for 15–20 minutes. Rinse with water.
  • If you have very dry skin, massage warm coconut oil into your skin every night before going to bed. You can also add sugar to the oil and use it to exfoliate the skin. Use this scrub once or twice a week for soft and beautiful skin.
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  • Mix a teaspoon each of baking powder, olive oil and honey. Gently scrub your face with this mixture and let it sit for 10–15 minutes. Rinse with water and moisturize. Do this once a week to remove dead skin cells and neutralize your skin’s ph.

FAQs: Glowing skin

Question: What are some pros and cons for glowing skin?

A. The main tip to keep in mind is to use skincare and makeup products that suit your skin. First, buy a smaller package to see if your skin is okay with it! Never sleep in your makeup other than following your skincare routine to the T. Get enough sleep too, as your skin will then repair and heal itself. Also, do not touch your face as this will transfer germs from your hands to your face, causing acne and irritation. Don’t be tempted to pick pimples and blackheads with your nails or fingertips, and prefer natural face packs and scrubs to store-bought ones.

Q. How do I choose skin care products?

A. Start by determining your skin type — is it normal, sensitive, oily, dry, or a combination type? Skin pores can be a good indicator; Oily skin is accompanied by large pores and dry skin with small pores that feel tight. Think if you have any skin problems like acne or dark spots so that you can buy products to address them. Read the ingredient list of all products carefully and avoid those that you may be allergic to. If you are unsure what an ingredient is or what a label means, do adequate research before making a decision on a product.

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