What is Missing for Frequent Hair Loss?

5 min readDec 24, 2020

Medical experts believe that hair loss is related to blood deficiency and kidney deficiency, so it can be treated with traditional medicines that nourish blood and nourish kidney. For example, long-term use of Pills will have an effect. Traditional medicine will usually add to every medicine prescribed to patients, medicine for nourishing kidney. However, traditional medical treatment is a long process and usually takes about half a year to be effective. Although western medicine takes effect quickly, some people can take it for two to three months, but if it is taken for a long time, some side effects may occur.

Some doctors suggested Best Hair Growth Oils of BiocosPK as well as you might boil water with arborvitae leaves, and then wash your hair with water from the boiled arborvitae leaves, which is more effective than drinking medicine. Use a relatively soft comb with a round head and gently comb it against the scalp, which can enhance the blood circulation of the head skin and promote hair growth. In addition, the intensity of ultraviolet rays in the autumn sun is not weaker than that in the summer sun, especially on dry days, when the moisture in the hair is lost quickly in the sun, and the hair is easy to fall off, so you should avoid direct sunlight for a long time in autumn.

Diet to Prevent Hair Loss and Hair Care

Modern medicine face air pollution, ultraviolet radiation, and nervous pressure making hair loss people more and more. To prevent hair loss, “eat nutritious” is more effective than any other method. This is because the hair has to stand firmly in the scalp so that it will not leave the scalp with the wind and grass. If you want to save money, but also want to keep your black hair, you need to lay a good nutritional foundation for lifting.

Black sesame seeds are the best tonic to prevent hair loss, because black fat contains important ingredients for healthy hair growth such as lecithin, protein, vitamin E, linoleic acid, etc. In addition to black hair, regular use can also nourish blood and lax.

1. black sesame flour: The simplest method of administration directly to the supermarket purchase unsweetened black sesame powder, can be one tablespoon daily. For a beautiful sister who doesn’t like breakfast, it’s best to use sesame powder for breakfast. After a month, you can see the effect.

1. But don’t eat too much, so as not to scramble to run out of the poop and run the toilet all the time, it is really not good.

2. Lily sesame stewed pig heart: trouble, but also effectively put a little different lily, black sesame seeds, red dates, ginger, etc., plus a pig heart, simmer two or three hours can make people feel stable, Reduce hair loss.

It can be eaten once a month. Although it is a little troublesome, it is worth the investment.

Daily Attention to a Note Shampoo, Dry Hair Tips


1. To use for their own hair shampoo.

2. When washing, pour the proper amount of shampoo into palm, add water and rub gently, and then touch the scalp and hair after foaming.

3. Don’t rub your hair excessively when your hands touch the hair, because wet hair is fragile and easily damaged.

4. It is better if the hair can be shampooed in a natural downward posture.

5. After washing, generally use conditioner and moisturizer if necessary.

Dry Hair:

1. Wet hair is fragile and fragile, so dry hair should be pressed and patted dry with a dry towel instead of rubbing with a towel.

2. The high heat of the hairdryer can damage the hair. When using it, the temperature should be low but not high. Note that the hair that is still dripping and has been dried is not suitable for drying.

3. It is best to let the hair dry naturally.

2. Correctly Comb Your Hair

1. Use wide-tooth wood or horny combs instead of plastic combs that are prone to static electricity.

2. Comb in sections along the direction of the natural drooping of the hair. Segmentation refers to combing the distal ends of the hair first, and finally combing the hair near the roots of the proximal hair, and can remove entanglement.

3. Try to avoid or reduce the frequency of perming and dyeing hair

Some chemicals contained in perm (cold perm) and most hair dyes have the undesirable effect of damaging the quality of the hair. For example, frequent use can make the hair dry and dull, the “hair” is not smooth, tangled and easily knotted, and fragile. It is easy to break, and its damage will increase with the increase in the number of hairdressings. Therefore, it is recommended that you try not to perm or dye your hair, or at least increase the interval to reduce the frequency of hairdressing.

Fourth, Pay Attention to Diet

people thought that postpartum physically weak, needed tonic, when hair loss is a more nourishing special supplement to, in fact, this is an incorrect view. Postpartum hair loss is mainly a process of endocrine changes. Blind nourishment will result in excess body heat, which is harmful to health. However, eating the following foods will be beneficial to long hair.

1. Green vegetables: Green vegetables have a high content of alkaline inorganic salts (calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, etc.), which can neutralize acidic substances that are not conducive to hair growth in the body and make them excreted into non-toxic substances. You can choose to eat winter melon, radish, cabbage, spinach, lotus root, etc., soy products, shiitake mushrooms, black fungus, etc. are also beneficial.

2. Fruits: such as cherries, apples, dates, etc.

3. Animal protein: Fish, poultry, and lean pork are rich in protein, but they should not be consumed in excess, because they are acidic substances and the blood is acidic, which will hinder the health of skin and hair.

4. Eat easy-to-digest foods that are high in protein, low in fat, high in vitamins and iron-rich.

In addition, one should also pay attention to maintaining optimism, proper physical exercise, and avoiding sun exposure.

Treatment of Thinning Hair

The medical profession of the motherland has long used hair as a basis for diagnosing diseases. Thinning hair can also be adjusted on the diet, pay attention to choosing some recipes for replenishing qi and blood and replenishing the spleen and stomach.

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